Make Your Mess Your Message!
One of my former coaches told me this a long time ago and it never ceases to amaze me how powerful this statement is.
A few years ago I did everything and anything possible to hide the fact that I had experienced severe anxiety and panic attacks. I was super embarrassed and at one point ashamed of the experiences I had in the past.
I thought “What would people think?” “How will anyone ever take me serious or respect me again?” I thought that letting out that secret would END my career!
Letting people inside and sharing my story about how I NATURALLY and POWERFULLY overcame my fears, stress, and anxiety has been one of the best things I have ever done!
3 reasons why Making Your Mess Your Message will Skyrocket Your Business!
- It confirms that you are a REAL person that people can relate with! There is NO such thing as being perfect!
- Being Vulnerable is a very POWERFUL quality to have as a business owner. It helps to build the Know, Like, and Trust factor that you are genuine and someone who can be trusted! There are way too many fake people out there pretending to be something they are not.
- You are showing that you don’t just talk the talk, but that you walk the walk. You are a living success story of what is possible! Sharing how terrible or challenging things were at one point in your life or business and now how it is on the other side is very powerful!
So don’t hold back! Be honest, genuine, and authentic in sharing your story and what is possible! People will thank you for it, and watch your impact and business skyrocket!
Make it an Outstanding week! It’s YOUR choice!