I know, I know A LOT of people have a fear of public speaking.  I’m sure you have heard the statistic that most people would rather die than do public speaking!

If you have been reading my newsletters for a while, you know that I USED to have that fear too.

But, what is important to understand is that just because it’s common does NOT mean it’s normal!  There is ALWAYS a root cause.  This may be surprising to you, but it’s almost always related to an unhealed past experience or trauma that is causing you to freeze or go into the fight or flight mode when speaking.  Simply put, speaking becomes a trigger.  But the good news is…it CAN be changed!

I have helped many people overcome this fear by helping them heal and re-wire their body so that speaking is no longer a trigger for them.

Maybe you had a past experience where you learned (on a deeper level) it wasn’t safe to have attention or stand out.  Maybe you stood up for yourself and were bullied or picked on.  Maybe you were the youngest in your family or in a generation and while growing up NO ONE ever wanted to listen to you or valued what you had to say.

Maybe you even had a panic attack while you were speaking in the past.

So what happens?

Deep down a part of you starts to believe you are NOT good enough.  You are NOT smart enough.  You feel rejected and maybe even judged.

Your body is so powerful and it’s #1 job is to protect you.  So anytime in any way shape or form that it feels like you are about to put it into a situation that could lead to feeling rejected, judged, not good enough, not smart enough…it does anything possible to stop you!  The way it does this is to sound off alarm bells in the form of feeling like your heart is going to beat out of your chest, sweating, dizziness, nausea, etc.  Basically, it feels like you are about to die, like your life is actually being threatened.

Your body becomes wired to believe that speaking is a THREAT to you!  This can be VERY detrimental to your success!  Like when you are trying to promote your business and confidently speak about who you are and what you do.  EXCEPT, that when it’s your turn to speak, you feel like you are about to die!  When you are triggered, you shut down your higher levels of thinking in your brain, your creativity, your intution and can sound the OPPOSITE of confident!

Or if you are in a meeting presenting a proposal to have a company consider hiring your company to do business with them and you have a panic attack!

Not only is the fear impacting how others perceive you, it’s also stopping you from connecting with MORE potential clients.

Imagine if this fear was no longer an obstacle for you?  What if you could start CONFIDENTLY speaking about your business to hundreds of more people each year!  What if you started seeking out speaking opportunities locally, nationally?  How would that impact your business, your success, your self esteem?

The FASTEST and MOST POWERFUL way I know to overcome this fear and re-wire your body so speaking is NO longer a trigger is to heal from what is causing the fear in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you know what past experience may be causing this fear or not in order for me to help you.

If you do know speaking is a trigger for you, it’s impacting your success, and you are READY to overcome it, then let’s talk.

Click here to fill out a brief questionnaire

Serious inquires only, please.  If it’s a good fit, I will share how I can support you.

Here’s to you overcoming your fear and confidently speaking to hundreds of more new potential clients this year!

With Courage,