I was in a boot camp class last week and one of the exercises during the workout was to do a “high-knee” skip. I was very surprised about the experience that was to come. During the wee hours of the morning (boot camp starts at 5:50 am!) when I started skipping it felt like I was instantly brought back to being a child. You know those memories you have that you literally skip around and are happy for absolutely no reason except the fact that you are alive!
I was pleasantly surprised and reminded in that moment how much kids really know and are way smarter than adults in this way! They just have that ability to be silly and let go for no reason except to have good pure fun! It reminded me of how serious we can take life and get caught up in all of the stories we tell ourselves about life.
It was a great experience to feel that child-like play again. It be easy to forget about and feel like we have lost that part of ourselves. The truth is that it is always there, we just need to reconnect with it! I obviously needed to me reminded that it is still within and be reminded of how simple life is to a child. I believe as adults we can make life WAY too complicated! It’s time to re-connect with a pure authentic part of ourselves that is happy and joyful for no good reason!
What is 1 thing that you used to do as a child that brought you joy and happiness? Jumping rope? Skipping? Painting with water colors? Playing tickle monster? Commit to yourself to do that 1 thing daily for the next 7 days and watch how your mood improves!
I honor and freely express my happiness and joy!
Joy and happiness flow freely through me!
Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s YOUR choice!