3 Mindset Must-Have’s for Success!

We are WAY more powerful than we give ourselves credit for!  I have talked with a lot of women and entrepreneurs that are not satisfied with their businesses or their lives.  I have found 3 Key Mindset pieces that need to be in place for success and I want to share...

Want to take a leap?

  Why would you want to inch your way toward your goals when you can take a leap? This philosophy is NOT for everyone…and there is nothing wrong with inching 🙂 I thought I would just share some insight for those of you that feel like a leap is in order for 2014!...

Are you living YOUR purpose?

Last week I talked about living ON purpose and this week I think it is perfect to follow up with living YOUR purpose! There are two clear indications you may NOT be living YOUR purpose: You are not getting the results you want in your business You are experiencing...

Are you living on purpose?

How many times has a day flown by and at the end of the day you wonder where did the time go? Do you find yourself getting caught up in the ‘busy” work and neglecting your burning desires? Here is a powerful fact. We only have so much time in this life. (I...

Who’s in your corner?

I had the pleasure of hearing Adam Urbanski speak last week. It was amazing and I want to piggy back off of something he shared that really stood out to me. I’m sure you have all heard that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, right?...