I had it backwards…

Yesterday I made a commitment to look one of my biggest fears and limiting beliefs in the eye…my fear of trusting life and belief that I can’t trust it.Now, this is not the first time I have worked with this fear.  I have peeled back layers and layers of...

Cracked open in the woods…

I spent this past weekend at a Woman’s Wellness Retreat at Camp Belknap in New Hampshire.  I was one of the presenters.  I had never been to this retreat before, so I had no idea what to expect.  It was beyond amazing…the location, the women, and sharing...

Do you remember your first love?

 Do you remember the first person you fell in love with?  I’m not talking about who you had a crush on, I’m talking about LOVE.The first person that you gave parts of yourself to that you had never given another.The first person you said “I love...

Are you missing what is right in front of you???

Eight years ago we moved into our first house.  I was so excited.  Even though it wasn’t my dream home, it was in a perfect neighborhood to raise a family. The week we moved in, we had a neighbor that had just become a chiropractic patient invite us to the...