Friend or Foe?

There is a huge misconception out there about something that I have found very important in my life. Something that I used to try to ignore or push away from. Something that a lot of people have a hard time expressing. Something that most have been taught is wrong or...

Who are you comparing yourself to?

Above are 2 photos of me taken almost exactly 1 year apart. I will get back to this in a minute. One of the most self-sabotaging patterns we have is to compare ourself to others. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. You will NEVER EVER benefit from that...

What I learned from a lap dance…

Yes, you heard me right, a lap dance. Now it’s not quite what you may be thinking… Last week at Amanda Moxley’s event we had a really eye-opening evening session the first day. We learned how to give a lap dance. Now, before you think I’ve...

Have you been stressed out lately?

Have you been feeling like you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off? Have your days been so packed that you blink your eyes and the day is over already, yet you feel like you need at least 5 more hours? Well, I know exactly what’s going on...

I used to be absolutely terrified of this…

My heart would beat out of my chest. My throat would close. My palms were so sweaty I needed a towel to dry them off. In that moment I would have rather died than do what I was about to do… Public Speaking! It may be hard to believe that as little as 2 years ago...

What Do You Expect?

There was a time when I hit my financial rock bottom. I needed a significant amount of money in a very short period of time to pay the bills, yet I had no idea where the money would come from. I felt desperate and hopeless. Have you ever felt that way before? If you...

The One word that changes EVERYTHING!

A year and a half ago I was in a very tough place in my coaching business. That month I only made $100 in my business! Pathetic, right! I was on the verge of giving up, I was beyond frustrated, and just couldn’t see how anything would ever change. I “just...

Are you resisting what is essential?

I’m going to say the word that many people dread to hear, talk about, or experience… CHANGE! don don don! (are you running for the hills?) I’m going to quote Tony Robbins… “If you are not growing, you are dying!” It’s...