I talk to so many women that have been through some really tough experiences. Some have lost a loved one, lost a job, went through a messy divorce, were cheated on, are still struggling with childhood trauma, etc…and what is interesting to me is that some women are able to bounce back better than ever…and some can stay stuck their whole life from those experiences.

Have you ever wondered why that happens? What is the difference?

How can one woman go from rock bottom just a few years ago to Bouncing Back better than ever?

How can one woman transform everything in her life…her health, relationships, business?

And another woman get swallowed up in the pain from her past?

In past articles I have shared a lot of information and tips that I have learned over the last few years that have contributed to my triumph over my past crisis and traumas. But, I don’t think I have ever talked really talked about the 1st step. It may be the MOST IMPORTANT step…because if you skip this step it is very likely you will not be able to do the necessary work to heal.

womanjumpingoutofplane-550The 1st step is finding your COURAGE.

Now that might sound obvious to you…or very simple. But it is something that MANY people are not willing or able to do.

I believe that you have the courage within you…you just need to connect with it and USE IT!

It is your courage that holds you up after you feel like everything has crashed around you.

It is your courage that helps you look the truth in the face, a truth that is so painful and so devastating, that you fear it will destroy you.

And you know what? It’s avoiding the truth that will destroy you…not looking at it and dealing with it.

It’s courage that will allow you to end the relationships that are sucking the life out of you…to seek the support you need to truly heal….to do what most people are unwilling to do.

I want to share a poem with you, one that I wrote personally. In case you need a little helping hand in connecting with your courage today.

This poem is about my experience in healing from my past traumas and the totally different  perspective that I now have on those experiences because I have found the courage to heal the pain.
It’s connecting with my courage that has allowed me to use those past experiences to make my life BETTER!

I am very aware that this may rattle a few feathers as it is so far from how we have been taught to respond after going through a trauma or crisis.

The Awakening of My Soul…

I thought you came into my life to destroy me, to rape me of my innocence, to rob my character, to steal my self esteem.

What I didn’t realize is…

Because of this experience I am stronger, more confident, more courageous, more amazing, more compassionate, and more loving than ever before.

Before I was lost, now I have connected with my truth, I now know WHO I am and what I stand for.

Before, pain, anger, resentment, and fear plagued my heart, and now I have learned how to love and truly forgive.

Before I was asleep, just coasting through life without reason or purpose. Now, I have been AWAKENED.

The harsh, cruel world that I thought I lived in has faded away. The hate and shame I felt toward myself has turned to love.

I now see the truth, I have found God and an abundance of love within myself for myself.

I have been able to find the amazing gifts in a such a “horrible” experience and it all started with finding my courage.

I want to invite you to dig deep within yourself and find your courage.

If you could find your courage, what would you do right now?
