Natural Anxiety Breakthrough | What are you resistingStress and Anxiety…most people have very negative associations with these two words. What if there was a different way to look at them? Instead of resisting them or running away from those feelings, what if they could be looked at in a positive way? What if your body was using these feelings to communicate something to you…something important! The more intense the feeling, the more important the message. What would your life look like if every time you felt significant stress or anxiety you asked “What do I need to learn from this situation?” or “What needs to change in my life?”

How different would your life be if you could realize that the stress or anxiety you are feeling is your body’s way of working FOR YOU?!?! Yep, I just said that!

I want to share a personal part of my journey with you that was a SIGNIFICANT turning point for me. A few years ago I was vacationing with my family and decided to go for a run. In the middle of my run, I had a massive panic attack, couldn’t breath, couldn’t run, I was in the middle of no where. Thankfully at that time I had already learned valuable tools to access my inner resources to figure out what was going on. Using my tools and turning within my self for the answers I realized what my body was trying to communicate with me. At that time I was completely resistant and terrified of having panic attacks. This specific one was a message about stop resisting and thinking that my body is failing or attacking me. It was actually trying to help me, it was communicating to me that something needed to change, or be released. In this specific example I needed to change the way I was relating to having a panic attack, thinking it was negative or a punishment. Once I identified exactly what that was, I went back to a state of peace and calm, instantly.


This week ask yourself what are you resisting? When you feel stressed out or anxious, ask what needs to change? Realize your body is working FOR you and anything you experience whether it’s a headache, neck pain, back pain, or any other symptom, you are being given an opportunity to learn, grow, and change.


My body is constantly working FOR me!
I am grateful for the messages my body is communicating to me.
I am open to listen to my body.
