What it takes to be FREE…

I have started a daily gratitude practice where I deeply feel one thing I am grateful for that day. I’ve been using a mediation that I channeled in my monthly channeled messages and meditations group. I go into the meditation being completely open to what wants...

How do you handle adversity?

You never really know what is going to happen.  As much as you set intentions, pray, mediate, and make the choices that you think are best, there is a plan that is much bigger than you.  This plan always includes giving you exactly what you need, but maybe not what...

Are you having the same experiences over and over?

Do you keep having the same experiences show up over and over again? Maybe it’s with a job situation that becomes so unbearable that you leave, and find another job…only to recreate another terrible situation again. Maybe it’s in a relationship with...

The biggest myths about living your purpose…

I talk to a lot of women that say they feel lost, confused, and are searching for their purpose. They say they just don’t know what direction to go in. They feel empty inside, even if on the outside everything seems great. Can you relate? There are some big...