I talk to a lot of women that say they feel lost, confused, and are searching for their purpose. They say they just don’t know what direction to go in. They feel empty inside, even if on the outside everything seems great.

Can you relate?

There are some big myths around what it means to be living your purpose and how to “find it” that I’d like to bust.

The myth is that your purpose is some specific job or business.

The myth is that your purpose is donating your time to a specific charity or cause.

The myth is that your purpose is something outside of you.

When you believe it’s something outside of you then you are chasing it, searching for it, and are separate from it.

What if living your purpose wasn’t some complex puzzle to put together?

What if it was much simpler than that?

What if had nothing to do with anything outside of you?

In my experience, living your purpose is all about BEING your true self. Instead of searching outside of you, it’s about going within and honoring who you really are.

When you are BEING your true self, everything else will line up. You’ll know exactly what job or business is in alignment. You’ll know exactly what causes you want to donate your time to.

When you are BEING your true self, you become a magnet for all the opportunities that are a perfect fit for you.

So, I invite you to stop searching outside of yourself to find your purpose. It’s about going deep within yourself, discovering who you really are, and making choices that are in alignment. It’s about releasing all the old stories of who you think you are. It’s about healing from past trauma that created a distorted perception that you are not worthy, lovable, or enough.

This past winter, I signed up to coach my son’s basketball team. I had never coached any of my kid’s sports teams before. But, I LOVE basketball and I felt a genuine desire to coach. It was a very interesting experience and I learned a lot.

On the last day, the mom of one of my players pulled me aside. She went on to say how much I had impacted her child. She shared that her child would come home and practice all that I shared that week, and how I made them feel important. She shared how much her child now loved basketball. I had tears streaming down my face as I listened to her. I knew that it was living my purpose to be a coach on that team. But, I didn’t sign up to coach to live my purpose. I was being my true self, following my genuine desires, and living my purpose happened automatically.

If you were being true to yourself, what new choices would you start making right now? What would you STOP doing out of obligation? What would you start doing out of desire?

With Courage,
